What is the Secret Dish in 'Pokmon Scarlet' and 'Violet'?

What is the secret dish in the Medali Gym? How to progress through the Normal Gym trial in 'Pokémon Scarlet' and 'Pokémon Violet.'

Though Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are still relatively new, players are just now starting to brush up against one of the game's first puzzles they'll need to solve to progress through a gym. Players looking to get through the Medali Gym will have a simple puzzle to solve in order to progress to fighting the Normal-type gym leader.

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When Pokémon Scarlet and Violet players first walk into the Medali Gym building they'll be confronted a the question, asking "what is the secret dish?" While persistent players could guess their way through the puzzle or organically engage with it and find the answer to the puzzle themselves, the answer becomes fairly evident after just a few steps.

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What is the secret dish in 'Pokémon Scarlet and Violet'?

While players could simply wonder around until they found the hint-giving NPCs or the hint-giving gym leaders, for players who are completely lost it's best to start with finding the gym trainers. These trainers are specifically in the front of the gym, on the side of the gym, and the trainer near the sandwich shop. Once these trainers have been defeated in battle they'll point you in the direction of several NPC who'll give the player hints for what the secret menu item is.

The clues are found with various NPCs and in certain locations around the town. You'll want to talk to a regular at the bar, read the ice cream stand menu, go to the Amphitheater, and talk to a Medali resident in the gym to get these clues. The hints themselves are fairly obvious, but for players looking to breeze through the gym and not solve the puzzle themselves, the answer is as follows:

  • Grilled Rice Balls
  • Fire Blast (extra crispy)
  • Serving Size: Medium
  • With Lemon

And that's it. After players order the secret menu item, the regular at the bar who gave one of the hints will enter the gym, revealing himself to be Larry, the Normal-type gym leader. Larry comes into the fight with three fairly beefy Normal-type Pokémon, so players should be ready for a fight.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are now available for the Nintendo Switch.
